Thursday, July 1, 2010

Late Nights, Not As Much Fun As They Sound

So its late and I have to work tomorrow, but I cant sleep, I'm not tired yet. I know tomorrow I will regret not meeting up with Mister Sandman by now but...

I sort of liked writing that last post and I've been thinking about what else I can write and I'm coming up blank here. So I'm just kind of letting my fingers stroll across the keys and see what comes out.

I know I'm not a writer I don't claim to be one. I know if anyone reads this they will be appalled at the sloppy editing and the lack of proper transitions. I know I'm not an eloquent writer, I'm not going to log in here and write funny anecdotes about life and family. I'm just going to write about my observations, my thoughts and the things I'm struggling to understand or come to grips with right now. I think that probably is part of the reason I started this, my life right now has been torn apart, flipped upside down and then pieced together sloppily. Some of the pieces are in the wrong spots and some are left where ever they may have landed, maybe I will be able to pick those ones up later.

"...At my first turn
The fat lop-lit moon
Shouldered me and whispered
'I am here with you
Never not here.
Turn you to dust or
Turn you to ash.
I will be there'..."

I don't know who wrote that and honestly I don't care, this is just a fragment of a larger poem, the rest of it is trash. But this part I fell in love with I can't get it out of my head. It brings me some measure of comfort, it fends off the loneliness with an umbrella skeleton. Hopefully it may speak to you my imaginary friends, as loudly as it does for me.

Until next time.

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